As some of you might have realized, the semester is coming to a close!  And, with that, comes finals, and all the "fun" that comes with them.  That being said, don't stress out all too much! 
You'll do great, I believe in you!  : )

So, a couple of things to, perhaps, help you along the way:

Tips and Tricks to Help

1) Don't start studying for your final the night before.  You won't get any sleep, and you WILL be stressed.  Consider starting to study a couple of weeks in advance.

2) Make sure you understand what information will be on the final exam-- Check with your syllabus, ask your professor, refer to any correspondence regarding the "what".  Knowing what will be on the exam WILL help you study better, and will help you feel less stressed.

3) If your professor offers practice tests, utilize them!  Practice tests are one o the best ways to see if you understand the material enough to take the actual test.  They will also help you get a feel of what kinds of things the professor will ask for on the actual exam, which will, in turn, help (Not only with the actuial material, but also with keeping your stress levels down).  Make sure you're not just looking at the answer key of the practice test, though.  Try taking them, they really do help.

4) Don't be afraid to get help!  The school offers a lot of resources in order to help you if you don't understand something.  be it TAs, tutors, Office Hours, Student Organization Tutoring, or more!!!  If you want to know more about these resources, feel free to reach out!  (I know they can be a bit tough to navigate sometimes...)

5) Talk to people!  talk to people in your class, talk to people you know who have taken the finals in the past.  Genuinely, this can help in understanding what you should expect going into finals, as well as how people are thinking about things.  If you are stressed, I can guarentee you are not alone.  (And, if you ask people, they WILL tell you that you are not alone in feeling stressed).

6) GET SLEEP AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!  I really cannot stress this one enough.  You need a proper amount of sleep in order to do well.  Make sure you are eating properly and sleepin properly.  You will do better if you do.

7) If studying with people helps you, try seeking people out!  You'd be surprised how many people want to be part of a study group!  Go to the library, or just sit in a Sue B Lounge!  Do what help you study.

8) Remember to take breaks!  Do things that you find fun!  Be it participating in your favorite student organiation's activities, playing board games with friends, or just chilling out.  This one is vitally important.  Take Breaks.

Important Upcoming Dates!

November 27th -- Thankgiving Break Starts!
December 1st -- Thanksgiving Break ends : (
December 2nd -- Last day to declare S/F
December 9th -- Last day of class!
December 10th-12th -- Reading Days!
December 13th-18th -- Final Exams
December 27th -- Final Grades Due!
Some Awesome Resources! 

The Learning Center
A wonderful resource the university offers!  They have a bunch of programs to help you succeed as a student here ar rochester!  (Be it Peer-led team learning stuff, study groups, one-on-one-tutoring, or the study one!) 

Greene Center
Think of the Greene Center as the career and professional development location.  If you need help with writing a resume, want to learn how build a network, or just explore internships, the Greene Center is for you! 

The CARE network at the University of Rochester exists to support students who may be struggling, be it with mental health or otherwise.  If you or a friend are struggling, fill out a CARE referral, so you or your friend don't have to struggle alone.

Have a question about what you want to do academically here at the university, or want to talk with someone on how to achieve your academic goals?  Talk to CCAS!  Their advisors are here to help you suceed. 

Tau Beta Pi
Tau Beta Pi is the Engineering Honors Society here at the Uniersity of Rochester.  They host drop-in engineering tutoring every sunday in Genesee 309. 
1-2PM -- AME & ECE
2-3PM -- BME & ChemE
3-4PM --MechE & Optics.

Remember, most of all,
: )

-Your First-Year Fellow,
JG : )